Moving on to their portrayal of women: The only female characters with extended dialogue Henry is meeting will actually end up in bed with him. The whole historical accuracy thing is just window dressing and only consistent with the games architecture at best. Actually, the only PoC in the while game is Runt, you know the first main bad guy. PoC are excluded on purpose, despite many historical inaccuracies and gameplay elements like perks straight up from Fallout or something you’d find in a fantasy game. How is that possible I wonder? Hey but having PoC in there would be like introducing magic or dragons to this game.įyi: for the game to be racist you don’t need to have someone standing in the middle of a town spouting racial slurs. Since armour in this game doesn’t have that pesky brown skin colour it is, lo and behold from Italy and Milan! In 15th century rural Bohemia! Sold from several vendors. Romani people are absent too despite reaching Bohemia a century earlier.
Regarding racism in this game: jewish, Turkish or even southern European people aren’t present for no good reason. The whole dialogue makes no mention of this being an attack on a foreigner in the first place. Other than that he only acknowledges to win arguments with conversation rather than violence. In the same scene your father also mentions how the German pays well and they’re trading with him.